TV & Multimedia Curriculum
Film & Video
- Course Number: 103520
- Grade Level: 9,10,11,12
- Prerequisites: Recommendation of English teacher
- Credits: 1 (one)
THEATRE ARTS I: FILM & VIDEO examines the areas of film and T.V. production from historical, theoretical, and practical applications. The study of film as literature and film evaluations are emphasized. Students receive hands-on instruction with film and video equipment.
Note: Some supplies must be purchased. Written and oral critiques are required for each unit of film study. Co-curricular after school activities are a required as part of evaluation.
Film & Video II
- Course Number: 103521
- Grade Level: 10,11,12
- Prerequisites: Introduction to Film & Video and permission of Instructor
- Credits: 1 (one)
THEATRE ARTS II: FILM AND VIDEO provides the student with advanced concepts in film & video techniques as well as beginning practical explorations in television production settings. Film and Video as art, the video documentary, electronic news gathering techniques, and studio and remote production work are among the areas examined in the course of study. This course requires outside written film critiques at local movie theatres. The class is performance oriented but also requires written and analytical work. Co-curricular after school activities are a required as part of evaluation.
Production Workshop
- Course Number: 103522
- Grade Level: 10, 11,12
- Prerequisites: Any combination of two Theatre or Communication Arts classes and permission of the instructor.
- Credits: 1 (one)
THEATRE ARTS: PRODUCTION WORKSHOP provides a workshop setting for students who desire to learn advanced techniques and gain practical experience in all phases of theatre, T.V. production, and forensic activities. This course requires extensive after-class hours and weekend hours and is strictly performance-oriented. An individual course of study is prepared for each student. Co-curricular.
Advanced Film and Video
- Course Number: 113522
- Grade Level: 11,12
- Prerequisites: Introduction to Film and Video, Film and Video II or Production Workshop, and the permission of the instructor; must be currently enrolled in Theatre Arts: Production Workshop.
- Credits: 1 (one)
THEATRE ARTS: ADVANCED FILM AND VIDEO is designed for production oriented television students. The class offers a laboratory setting that allows students to work in a practical television environment. Students produce and direct a number of cable television productions each week as a part of the course of study. The class requires extensive after school and weekend hours and is strictly performance-based. Students are evaluated on a grade contract basis.