Theatre Arts Curriculum
Introduction to Communication Studies
- Course Number: 3520B1C
- Grade Level: 9,10,11,12
- Prerequisites: None
- Credits: 1 (one)
INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION STUDIES introduces the student to basic public speaking techniques, discussion, debates, communication theory, parliamentary procedure, oral interpretation, and dramatic performance concepts. Both formal and casual speech making assignments are part of the course of study. Reading and critical thinking skills are also emphasized. After school and weekend hours devoted to the GHS Fine Arts Department are required.
Introduction to Communication Studies (Honors)
- Course Number: 3520B1H
- Grade Level: 9,10,11,12
- Prerequisites: Recommendation of English teacher
- Credits: 1 (one)
INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION STUDIES (HONORS) is an accelerated communication arts program, which incorporates speech analysis, rhetorical theory, and advanced critical thinking skills into the existing communication arts program. Semester projects and speech tournament participation will be required to further the student’s communication skills. After-school and weekend hours devoted to the GHS Fine Arts Department are required.
Introduction to Performing Arts (Honors)
- Course Number: 653520
- Grade Level: 9,10,11,12
- Prerequisites: None
- Credits: 1 (one)
INTRODUCTION TO PERFORMING ARTS offers the student a broad overview of the theatre world, with particular attention paid to theatre production, theatre history, technical theatre, theatre evaluation, and comparative media. This course also includes introductory approaches to improvisational acting techniques, acting styles, methodology, and scene study. As part of the course of study, students are required to critique live theatrical performances in the Memphis and Germantown area. After-school and weekend hours devoted to the GHS Fine Arts Department are required.
IB Theatre Arts SL/HL
- Course Number: 3546B1B
- Course Level: 11, 12
IB THEATRE ARTS is a two year college level performance and technical based course that prepares students for the International Baccalaureate examination in theatre. This course examines various forms of theatre from a global perspective.
The interactions between theatre in the making and theatre in performance are emphasized as well as the interrelationship and interdependence of all theatre genres. Students will evaluate the place of theatre in society and will use this knowledge to gain a higher appreciation of theatre as an art form. Students will demonstrate performance skills, apply technical knowledge and develop an appreciation of theatre on a personal level.
This course covers both the theoretical and practical elements of theatre. The course also enables students to develop creative and imaginative skills and the ability to communicate in dramatic form.
The majority of students’ instructional time will be in a laboratory setting (theatre) working individually as well as part of a cast and/or crew. The students will work on a combination of short term and long-term projects. All students will take part in two main stage productions. The students will analyze artistic expression from various perspectives. The students will acquire knowledge of the theatre through both practical means and traditional academic methods. The students will use higher thinking skills to comprehend and contextualize performance pieces, technical cues, and theatre’s effect on society. The course emphasizes daily co-curricular hours after school and on weekends.
A portfolio will be built from all performance and technically based activities.
Students enrolled in senior level IB Theatre Arts are required to take the IB exam.
- Course Number: 313521
- Grade Level: 10,11,12
- Prerequisites: Introduction to Theatre or permission of instructor
- Credits: 1 (one)
ACTING is designed for the performance-oriented student. It examines practical and theoretical approaches to performance including improvisational acting, acting styles, acting methodology, movement, voice and scene study. Playwriting and elementary directing techniques are included in this course of study. Serious attention is given to theatre aesthetics and theatre evaluation. Students are required to critique live theatrical presentations in the Memphis and Germantown area. After-school and weekend hours devoted to the GHS Fine Arts Department are required.
Production Workshop
- Course Number: 103522
- Course Title: Theatre Arts: Production Workshop
- Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
- Prerequisites: Any combination of two Theatre or Communication Arts classes and permission of the instructor.
- Credits: 1 (one)
PRODUCTION WORKSHOP provides a workshop setting for students who desire to learn advanced techniques and gain practical experience in all phases of theatre, T.V. production, and forensic activities. This course requires extensive after-class hours and weekend hours and is strictly performance-oriented. An individual course of study is prepared for each student. Co-curricular.